Health & Wellness Pharmacy in McComb, MS
We are conveniently located in the McComb medical community, just a few minutes from Southwest Regional Medical Center. Guy’s Pharmacy has been a family business serving the community since 1976. With a dedicated team of healthcare professionals committed to elevating local pharmacy, we can serve a range of healthcare needs.

Natural Wellness/OTC Products
At our Medical Center location, we carry an extensive line of professional-grade nutritional supplements, including our very own line! In addition to prescriptions and supplements, you can choose from a variety of over-the-counter products, such as pain relievers, cough and cold medications, band-aids, and much more. Our pharmacists are available to consult on all our products, just let us know how we can help you! You can even shop our own line of supplements online and have them shipped directly to you!
Medical Center Pharmacy offers a wide array of immunizations, making it easier and more convenient for individuals to protect themselves against various infectious diseases. Trained and certified staff can administer these immunizations safely.
Medication Synchronization (MedSync)
Medication can get complicated if you’re juggling multiple prescriptions. Experience hassle-free prescription transfers and medication refills. If you want to simplify your life a little, we can fill all your prescriptions on the same day every month. Our pharmacy team can handle everything, from working with your local physician to ensuring you never run out of medication.
Pharmacist Consultations
At Medical Center Pharmacy, we provide consultations on prescription medications, as well as supplements and OTC medications. When making important decisions about your health, our pharmacist is happy to help navigate the options available. We also help to ensure that you are taking medications and supplements safely to avoid interactions.
Meet Our Staff

Gerald Lea, R.Ph.

LaVarshia Newsome-Pittman, R.Ph.